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Order Photo Studio Backdrops:

Before the digitalization of pictures, it was common for photographers to use artistic handmade studio backdrop which usually cost around Rs.15,000 at the time which was quite expensive. After the introduction of digital world into photography, photo shop gained popularity and was used by photographers to change the background according to need.

However, to get the perfect lighting and color, photographers are now going back to the time and have started using physical backdrops. Use of such backdrops prevents the reflection of the light and gives the photo its natural color.With the use of our backdrop, you can achieve flawless photographs with no reflection of light. We provide high quality mural prints used as a backdrop for various photographs at minimal cost.With the perfect color combination and design, we provide you the best backdrop for your future photo shoots which will bring out the true color of your photo.You can also personalize such backdrops according to your need. With our proper assistance, you will get the best backdrop for your photo studio.

Our backdrops are made from high quality material which can be easily rolled. Multiple backdrops can be hanged in your studio. Apart from the designs mentioned here, you can personally visit our store to get more designs and get idea about the use of backdrops.The pricing for such backdrop starts at just NPR 6,500 for a size of 8 feet in length and 5 feet in width. Do visit us for more information.
