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Newborn Baby Photography

Newborn Baby Photography

Capture Your Baby's Precious Early Moments

Detail Information regarding New Born Baby Photography

A baby’s soft skin, mushy muscle, and guileless, innocent smile give us an immense pleasure and heavenly experience. When a family receives a newborn, a picture of the future of that child is imprinted in their mind and heart.

FAQs regarding newborn baby photography:

  • Which age or time is suitable to take pictures of a newborn?
  • How should it be?
  • What experiences should a newborn photographer have?
  • When to shoot baby photos?
  • How much time does it take?
  • What will be the cost of a baby shoot?

Expert’s Answer

The appropriate age to take the pictures of a newborn is before the second week of their birth. In this age, they are sleepy. So, he/she can easily be taken on wrapping, head-bin, caps, and other poses.

A photographer has to put in enough effort to get such poses too. Since a newborn has to be fed in every half an hour, the photographer has to set aside time for this as well. Normally, it takes 3-4 hours.

The minimum cost will be between Rs. 18,000.00 and 25000.00.

Q: What preparation should a client do before appearing to the photographer?

First of all, the parents should come prepared and in a happy mood. You have to bring every essential, like milk, hot water, soft clothes, and diapers needed for your baby. The baby should be bathed on the day of shooting, but remember that the child should not be oiled, do not put gazal in their eyes, and do not apply powder as well. Since it is time consuming task, it is recommended to bring foods for the moms too.

 Q: What caution or preparation a newborn baby photographer does before taking photos?

 Securing Safety of the Baby: Firstly, in order to not cause any harm to the health of the baby, our photographer makes sure that their health is in good condition and not harmful to the newborn one. On the day of the shooting, they prepare themselves by bathing and wearing fresh and sanitized clothes. Likewise, in order to make the studio germ-free, the photographer will sanitize the studio before clients come. During the whole session of photography, no one will be/is permitted to intercede inside the studio except an experienced and trained photographer and his/her assistant. We don’t permit any trainee to be there. Safety of the clients (parents and their beloved ones) is paramount for us.

Props: All the necessary props for baby photography are available at our studio. No extra fee will be charged for them. 
